About us

The Angus Conservative and Unionist Association is a voluntary organisation which is solely funded by local party membership, subscriptions, donations and fund-raising events.

Everyone is welcome to join us or attend our campaigning or social events. We support the Scottish Conservative Party in several different ways:

  • Campaigning on our beliefs 
  • Organising and attending events (Political and Social) 
  • Providing new ideas to help make Angus an even better place to live
  • Working hard to ensure we elect more Councillors, MPs and MSPs 
  • Submit ideas that would be beneficial for Angus and the North East when party policy is being formulated

We actively campaign to increase our share of the vote and spread our messaging throughout Angus. We also specifically champion the issues most important to the people of Angus and we campaign at every level to bring about the change our great county so desperately needs.

What we stand for

The Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party is a patriotic, unionist party of the Scottish centre-right.

We stand up for Scotland’s place in the UK, equal opportunity, enterprise and growth, localism and community and the rights of victims and the police in our justice system.

  • We champion Scotland’s place in the UK: The Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party will always stand up for the United Kingdom and Scotland’s place in it. We represent those people who do not want separation or another divisive independence referendum.
  • We believe in equality of opportunity: The Scottish Conservatives believe that every single person in Scotland deserves the same chances and opportunities in life. No one should not be held back because of their background or where they live. All of us deserve the same chance to achieve our goals.
  • We know that good public services rely on a strong economy: The Scottish Conservatives believe that the best way to fund our public services is through a growing, competitive, enterprising economy that is creating good jobs. Hiking taxes will only damage growth and reduce the funding available to our schools, hospitals and police in the long term.
  • We celebrate localism and community: The Scottish Conservatives recognise that Scotland is diverse and not uniform. We believe in local solutions to local problems, in building up communities and in every part of our country getting a fair deal.
  • We stand for the rule of law and the rights of victims and the police: The Scottish Conservatives believe in a justice system that is on the side of victims and protects the police. We support a firm but fair approach to justice that tackles crime.